I mentioned in the last post that there is a genealogy conference. I failed to mention that there are classes for complete beginners! Everyone should feel welcome to attend. FamilySearch sent out an invitation about it as well. I've attached it to this blog post. Announcement from FamilySearchThe Ogden Family Search Library (ogdenfsl.org), in partnership with the Weber State University History Department, is presenting their annual, free to the public, Family History Conference, "OF ROOTS & BRANCHES," Saturday, September 14, 2013, at the Weber State University Shepherd Union Building.
Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. At 8:30 a.m. Ron Tanner, from FamilySearch.org in Salt Lake City, will be the very entertaining keynote speaker. Mr. Tanner will outline the new FamilySearch program enhancements and on-line training, which will be followed by 65 classes, presented by expert and professional genealogists for every level of genealogical experience, beginner to professional. Spanish speaking classes will be offered every hour. Genealogical experts will be available to assist one-on-one with individually encountered research blocks. Bring your research and reserve time at the registration desk. Many of these experts specialize in research techniques for a variety of countries around the world, again, help is at no charge. Additionally, vendors representing everything from DNA testing and 3rd party, genealogical programs to decorative genealogical wall art, will be presenting their products. WSU is providing free parking for the event. Several of the Shepherd Building food vendors will be open to purchase food on site. The class schedule for the conference is available online at ogdenfsl.org. Hope to see you there!
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